Frequently Asked Questions

Please choose a category, below, to access answers to your questions. Always feel free to email support if you can't find an answer.

Emergency Notifications | Top

They will be displayed in a pop-up when the traveler opens their phone.

Contact your Tour Director, Chaperone, Director or Group Leader.

Universal Traveler Tools | Top

All travelers have access to group messaging, viewing the itinerary, viewing their room numbers, flight numbers, and bus numbers.

On the bottom choose Chat. This will take you to your messaging options.

All travelers can share messages with your entire group. Your Director will monitor and have the ability to delete content submitted to Chat at all times.

Chaperone Tools | Top

Chaperones can utilize checklists for buses, flights, and rooms. Chaperones can also message the group with instructions.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. Find all travler lists. Within this section, you can easily view Special Considerations, Bus Lists, Flight Lists and Rooming Lists for travelers that are assigned to you. On each list, you can swipe to check off travelers when taking attendance.

To access this feature, select Leaders from the bottom menu. Through this menu item, you can contact all group leaders.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. At the top, you will see Special Considerations. Within this section, you can easily view travelers with special considerations that can range from dietary need to physical needs.

Staff Tools | Top

Staff can utilize checklists for buses, flights, and rooms. Staff can also message the group with instructions. Staff can control access to the Chat was well.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. Find all travler lists. Within this section, you can easily view Special Considerations, Bus Lists, Flight Lists and Rooming Lists for travelers that are assigned to you. On each list, you can swipe to check off travelers when taking attendance.

To access this feature, select Leaders from the bottom menu. Through this menu item, you can contact all group leaders.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. At the top, you will see Special Considerations. Within this section, you can easily view travelers with special considerations that can range from dietary need to physical needs.

Teacher ONLY Tools | Top

The Director Tools consist of instantaneous Messaging. The Director can assign chaperones, manage traveler lists for buses, flights, and rooms. The Director can also grant access to Chaperones and Staff so they can use checklists for buses, flights, and rooms.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. Find all travler lists. Within this section, you can easily view Special Considerations, Bus Lists, Flight Lists and Rooming Lists for travelers that are assigned to you. On each list, you can swipe to check off travelers when taking attendance.

To access this feature, select Leaders from the bottom menu. Through this menu item, you can contact all group leaders.

To access this feature, select Manage from the bottom menu. At the top, you will see Special Considerations. Within this section, you can easily view travelers with special considerations that can range from dietary need to physical needs.